How You Can Be a 5-Star Friend

Wendy Turner
4 min readMar 29, 2022
“well of course she’s going to give me a 5-Star review, we’re friends. REALLY good friends.”

I opened my work emails and immediately noticed that my business had received a Google review. I am usually hesitant to open and read reviews, as feedback can sometimes be biting. However, this review was from a good friend whose daughter is enrolled in the kid's program at my gym.

As I read the review, I thought to myself, “well of course she’s going to give me a 5-Star review, we’re friends. REALLY good friends.” Then it hit me. How many of my friends have non-profits, businesses, Instagram accounts, etc., that I have not taken the time to review, visit, like, repost or support somehow?

I spent the next hour going through my contacts, and holy cow. I realized I have numerous friends involved with charities, have small businesses, Instagram accounts they are trying to build, etc. that could use some love.

I know what you might be thinking. You’re freaking busy! Who has time for this? More shit to do? My friends don’t call me, like my posts or buy my stuff, why should I do this for them?

You’re probably not interested in this extra work, but hear me out.

Now, before I go any further on how to be a 5-STAR friend, I want you know that I am on my way to becoming an empty nester. It’s been one of the biggest shocks to my system, and I had no idea how deeply it would affect me. Here I am with 4 kids in college and I am really in the thick of rediscovering myself. This state of being has prompted many thoughts on how I want to create the next chapter of my life, for myself, for my relationship with my husband, and for the many friendships I have cultivated along the way.

I know that my friends and acquaintances are something I cannot take for granted. I need to pay attention. I need these women in my life. These ladies have supported me, cried with me, grown with me as an entrepreneur, a wife, and a mother, and are so available. They’ve helped me raise my kids and my girlfriends deserve all the things. But was I being the best friend I could be? Was I supporting them to the best of my ability?

So here’s where reminders and maybe some new ways you can be a 5-STAR friend (sister, brother husband, wife, boss, etc) can come in handy.

Yes, I use technology to be a better friend.… These tools are here to help us navigate our lives in so many ways, why not use tech for this too? We are always on our phones.

So here we go…

  1. Add your friends to your FAVORITES list on your phone. Use this list as a go-to for your besties and go there often to send a text or …what? A PHONE CALL! I know, calls are scarce these days, but it’s nice when you do call and hear their voice. Even if it goes to voicemail!
  2. Add your friend's emails to your VIP list. When you get an email from them it will pop up on your home screen and you can respond in a timely manner.
  3. Add their birthday to your calendar and set the yearly reminder to never end. A birthday text or meme is always fun to get! Even if it’s a day early or a day late.
  4. Instagram, Twitter, etc. Turn on notifications to your friend’s accounts, when they post, it will alert you and you can respond.
  5. Make sure to add important friend dates to your calendar. I think I annoyingly asked my bestie 5 times what her summer break vacation dates were before I finally added it to my calendar! That was a lifesaver. (friend saver?)
  6. Scroll deep down in your texts and see if there’s a friend who you haven’t communicated with for a bit, pop in a friendly hello!

I know there are a lot of people who may not be completely on board with social media, heck you may not even have social media account. You may find it annoying, braggadocious, etc., but if your friends love it or need it for business, support that. Like and comment. It matters especially if they have a business. It really doesn’t take much time give some love. Even better if you write a Goggle or Yelp review or a comment on their latest blog post..

I have lived a divided digital life. Being a Gen X’er I have not always had the technology. As a matter a fact I’m still finding and reconnecting with long-lost friends. I know how different life was before Apple, but I’ve chosen to ride the wave…

I have learned to love technology and take full advantage of it. I use it to be a better friend, sister, wife, and mother.

I do try to keep expectations in check. This is my journey, working on me. If friends don’t reciprocate, it’s okay. Be the example.

Yes, it takes time, yes it takes work. But I know it’s worth it. Friends are worth it.



Wendy Turner

Life-Long Learner | Artist | Not a Professional Writer!